This is where your beef comes from.


Corn Silage

Flaked Corn

Alfalfa Hay

Vitamins and Minerals

That’s it.

70% comes from our family farm

Grass-fed, Grain Finished

Our beef doesn’t get Around

At Windmill Mountain Ranch (WMR), we believe in the power of buying local and its incredible benefits. When you choose our beef, you're not only treating yourself to an exceptional product, but you're also supporting hardworking farmers and ranchers who pour heart and soul into their craft. Our beef doesn't travel long distances or have multiple owners, which means it arrives on your plate fresher and more flavorful than what you'll find at the grocery store with less of an impact to the environment. With each bite, you are not just satisfying your cravings; you are forging a stronger bond with your community. Make the mouthwatering choice that is good for your taste buds, the environment, and the people who make it all possible.

Your appreciation for ranchers who directly market to you instead of using conventional channels is invaluable. Reviving local food systems relies on both enthusiastic consumers and committed ranchers. Thank you!

- The Ross and Stewart Family

“It is not uncommon for a single ground beef patty to contain the meat of over 1,000 different animals.”

— Alan Newport (Farm Progress)

WE are different

Single-origin, Single-animal, Single-barrel — whatever you want to call it!

Opting for beef from a single cow rather than a blend of multiple cattle offers a unique and distinct culinary experience. When you choose beef from a single cow, you have the opportunity to appreciate the individual characteristics and flavor profile that come from that particular animal. Each cow's diet, genetics, and range can impart nuanced flavors and textures, creating a truly exceptional dining experience. Knowing that your beef comes from a single source provides a higher level of traceability and allows you to have a deeper connection with the food on your plate. By supporting the practice of single-cow sourcing, you embrace a more intimate and personalized approach to enjoying beef, enhancing your culinary journey with a remarkable and flavorful touch.

At the end of the day, We care about Cattle and the people around us. We strive to Create the safest and most humane place for our cattle.

Imagine if we didn't have vaccines to protect us from getting sick. It would be tough, right? It's the same for our cattle. Vaccinating them is crucial to keep them healthy and prevent the spread of diseases among the herd. By vaccinating cattle, we show that we care deeply about their well-being and want to ensure they live a healthy life. We only use time-tested, simple treatments.

mRNA free

A good butcher is not just a meat purveyor but an artist, meticulously crafting delicious cuts that ignite our taste buds.

By partnering with a trusted and skilled processors, we ensure that the exceptional quality and care we put into raising our livestock shine through in every package. Our chosen Arizona-based processors have the expertise to transform our premium animals into delectable cuts of meat, delivering a truly remarkable dining experience for you. They share our commitment to excellence and work closely with us to ensure that our meat meets the highest standards of taste, tenderness, and quality. So, when you choose our products, you're not just enjoying superior meat; you're supporting local partnership built on a shared dedication to providing you with the finest culinary delights. Taste the difference that comes from our carefully selected butchers, and savor a dining experience that exceeds your expectations.

All of This comes together

To create a supply chain that is truly our family ranch to your family's table.